NET Corporate Appraisal and Consulting, Inc.

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Comprehensive Valuation Report for On-Site Urban Transformation Project

Comprehensive Valuation Report for On-Site Urban Transformation Project

1. What is On-Site Urban Transformation?On-site urban transformation refers to a redevelopment approach where the current residents are not required to leave their living spaces during the modernization and reconstruction of their area. This model is important for preserving social cohesion and preventing the displacement of the local population.2. Why is a Valuation Report Important?Valuation reports in the urban transformation process reveal the current value of properties in the area and the potential increase in value after redevelopment. These reports are essential for protecting the rights of property owners and providing investors with an objective assessment. Additionally, they play a critical role in the legal and financial aspects of the process.3. Factors Considered in the Valuation ProcessCurrent Condition of Buildings: Physical characteristics such as the age of the building, earthquake risk, and construction quality.Location and Environmental Assessment: Factors like proximity to social amenities, transportation links, and public services (schools, hospitals, etc.).Plans for Reconstructed Buildings: The design of the new structures, construction quality, number of floors, and inclusion of social spaces.Increase in Property Value: Expected price increases and rental income potential after the transformation.4. Social Impact of On-Site Urban TransformationOn-site transformation projects aim to preserve the existing social fabric. The ability of residents to adapt to their new living spaces post-reconstruction is a key factor in the project's success. Maintaining social cohesion is also crucial in gaining community support for the project.5. What to Pay Attention to in a Valuation Report?Valuation reports must be prepared by independent and licensed experts and must be in line with current market conditions. The report should be transparent, impartial, and detailed, serving as a reliable reference for all stakeholders throughout the process.6. Advantages and Disadvantages of On-Site Urban TransformationAdvantages: Social cohesion is maintained, property owners are not negatively impacted, and current residents gain access to modern living spaces without being displaced.Disadvantages: The construction process may be prolonged, and projects can face financial or legal obstacles. In some cases, project costs may exceed initial expectations.
Makine Ekipman ve Gemi Değerleme Hizmetleri

Makine Ekipman ve Gemi Değerleme Hizmetleri

Companies are looking at two different models for period-end valuation of Tangible Fixed Assets according to TAS 16 standard. An Anti-Cost is the Revaluation model.It is very important that the measurement included in the valuation reports to be prepared as of the current period by the valuation group, which is under the management of the CMB, is included in the financials over the appropriate value.Machinery and Equipment Valuation ServicesIt covers the continuous use and disposal of a single machine or more than one machine, machine park or production line, and regular and fast cashing or determination of other values ​​it needs. The physical environment in which the machinery or machinery park is operated, the physical condition of the machinery, and the determined features of the machinery. The information determined within the scope of this field study is reported in detail by making sense of the values ​​obtained with internationally accepted valuation methods.Ship Valuation ServicesIn the valuation of floating facilities such as oil and gas platforms manufactured for yachts and special services, research vessels, and those considered as "real estate" in terms of their registration according to the Turkish Commercial Code, different entry and research methods are used to determine the value of the flagship vessels to which they are connected, national and international maritime laws. , purpose of use and operation, current situation, age and expectation, freight return, etc. Considering the factors, the valuation process is made for the ship and floating installation.
Mavi Birlik Spor Kulübü ile sponsorluk

Mavi Birlik Spor Kulübü ile sponsorluk

Amendment to Regulation on Real Estate Investment FundsJuly 17, 2024An amendment has been published in the Official Gazette regarding the Regulation on Real Estate Investment Funds. The changes aim to enable real estate investment funds to contribute to residential development and streamline the fund application processes.Key changes include:Allowing real estate investment funds to invest in projects where more than half of the gross floor area is allocated for residential use, termed as "project real estate investment funds."Establishing timelines for commencing construction on registered land parcels that meet specified criteria within three years.Allowing real estate investment funds to be issued under umbrella funds similar to securities investment funds.Simplifying the articles of association and issuance documents.Requiring the signing of a fund issuance agreement that includes minimum requirements specified in the Regulation before selling participation units to qualified investors.These amendments aim to enhance the contribution of real estate investment funds to residential development and streamline administrative processes.